Join our Virtual VHI Mini Marathon Team 2021
The VHI Virtual Women’s Mini Marathon is now open for entries - will you join our Benevolent Fund Team and walk, jog or run 10k on 19th September 2021! This year we are doing it a little bit differently. We have a Team Target to raise €5000 and we will all share that target. Can you help us achieve our goal?
You can join us from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and Race the Real Route using the Brand New Event App … so despite the 10k being Virtual we will all be taking part together …. As a Team we are Stronger!!
10km Starting in Mount Anville
On Sunday the 19th we have a 10km route planned starting beside the School. You will be able to park and leave your bags ect. We will provide a mini check in, warm up and light refreshments after you finish. Everyone is welcome so bring a few friends!!!
If you would like to join us please email so we know to expect you.
What do you need to do?
Register for the Mini Marathon -
Log into your page and Create your fundraising page by selecting Sacred Heart Past Pupil Benevolent Fund as the charity you want to support.
When the Sacred Heart page pops up scroll down ........
Until the Benevolent Fund Mini Marathon Team appears. Click on this and follow the instructions from there ...
Get moving and get ready to fly around the 10km virtual course!
Any questions email us -