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The Sacred Heart Benevolent Fund is a dedicated and confidential support network established by former pupils of Sacred Heart in the 1930s. Over the past year, we have assisted approximately 48 individuals and distributed more than €100,000 in grants.


Diverse Needs and Assistance

The individuals we support range in age from 19 to 90, with needs as diverse as their backgrounds. Some require assistance with everyday living expenses following personal tragedies such as the loss of a loved one or a business failure. Others seek help after experiencing traumatic events, while some simply need a one-time boost to overcome a challenging period. We strive to help everyone who reaches out to us and often wish we could provide even more support.


Fundraising Efforts

Our fundraising efforts are varied to meet the continuous demand for assistance. Traditionally, the Committee organizes numerous events throughout the year, such as coffee mornings, Fashion Events, bridge drives, gardening talks, and the mini-marathon. The Mount Anville Past Pupil Shelbourne Lunch is one of the main contributions with €50,000 raise in 2024. Mount Anville School is a strong supporter, hosting at least one fundraising event each year in aid of the Benevolent Fund.

Throughout the year, several collections take place, including those at the MAPPA annual dinner and the Sacred Heart Schools Golf Outing. We hope these events will continue in 2025.

We are also extreamly gratefull to all the Past Pupils who leave a Legacy in their wills. This kind gesture has enabled us to support many pupils.


Gratitude for Generous Support

The unwavering generosity of many former pupils, whether through event participation, anonymous donations, remembering the Benevolent Fund in their Will or standing orders, is deeply appreciated. This support has enabled us to ensure that no past pupil in need is turned away.


To discover more about the Benevolent Fund, please explore the options below.

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